Artist Reception: May 11th, 6-8 PM

May 11th - June 1st, 2023

Jean Cocteau's “Beauty and The Beast,” Salvador Dali’s cookbook, Otto Dix’s “Venus with Gloves,” costumes from the Rothschild’s Surrealist Ball — to name just a smattering of north stars  in Andie Dunkin’s glass menagerie. The 2014 RISD graduate presents “MY FACE FOR THE WORLD TO SEE,” her first solo exhibition with half gallery in Los Angeles this May. The show title is borrowed from Alfred Hayes’ tragically exuberant novel of the post-war era set amongst Hollywood’s hobnobs and  their would-be aspirants.  Hayes writes of the unnamed actress at the heart of his story as having “a smile she had chosen, I thought, from a small collection of smiles she kept for occasions like this.” Dinkin is able to weave such characters seamlessly into her universe fraught with folly. Perhaps Andie’s slyest feat though is her ability to conjure up landscapes where the interior and exterior world blend into one fluid plane.  A sense of urgency permeates her compositions which might best be described as  Bemelmans by way of Bosch.

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